Know Your Bones
By Courtney L. Boudreau
October 15, 2022
October 15, 2022
to be alive is to know your bones
to follow the curve of your iliac crest feel the slick grit of your femur the lyrical pause between your ribs spine slinking cat and cow the body is not a machine to optimize you’re not meant to train your brain to wake at 4 a.m. and find the correct algorithm of mushroom tea and meditation the body is a soft crackling earth the roots of a tree which break through the dirt a chipmunk’s heart flutter small bones inside an owl pellet a lady slipper eluding discovery a black-capped chickadee who is asking you to please not forget where you came from |
Courtney L. Boudreau is an emerging poet based in New York City. She works for a global sexual and reproductive health nonprofit and is a doctoral candidate at Columbia University. She recently participated in the Cuttyhunk Writers poetry residency. Courtney can be found online on Instagram @cboudreaupoetry or Twitter @C_L_Boudreau