By Marguerite Bouvard
April 15, 2023
April 15, 2023
It’s not only the buildings that were
destroyed in Kyiv but the dreams that made them, an apartment purchased by a family that was beyond their means on the 20th floor of a modern building with a wonderful view that brought their family together, pleased that it was worth the expense. Okana Insarova and her husband Olah designed each room with their delighted daughters that was destroyed by a Russian missile leaving the streets covered with glass and pieces of rooms. But a woman stood in a grocery store on the ground floor of that building, frightened but thinking, “If we die on this line, we die on this line.” She had seen family photos on the ground, so many that she gathered them up because she wanted to meet the people in them and share their stories, understanding that we can purchase a table or chair but not a precious memory of our lives. |