On a Train
By Kyla Houbolt
October 15, 2022
October 15, 2022
On a train
slowly going along by a bay, large and deep with mountains on guard in the blue distance. The wheels clack and clack and otherwise it is quiet. The sun is setting. Colors change on the water and slowly dim. The stars arrive with their secrets, no moon steals their brilliance and the clack clack is a soft percussive track backing up the singing of the stars. The train whistle sounds then, one time, long and slow. I turn the page of the book I am not reading. |
Kyla Houbolt’s first two chapbooks, Dawn’s Fool (Ice Floe Press) and Tuned (CCCP Chapbooks), were published in 2020. Tuned is also available as an ebook. Her work has appeared in Hobart, Had, Barren, Juke Joint, Moist, Trouvaille Review, and elsewhere. Find her work at her linktree: https://linktr.ee/luaz_poet. She is on Twitter @luaz_poet.